Candilicious! <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Saturday, October 30, 2004

San Francisco (Friday - 29 October 2004) 

Downtown clubbin (Federal Agent Joe's despedida)

Cristy, Cheryl, Mary, Joe, Candice, Cristina and Cathy

Cheryl, dick man, Cristina, Candice, Cathy and Cristy

Cheryl and Candice

Rosie McCann's, Santana Row (Thursday - 28 October 2004)

Jun, Rich, Candice, Cristina, Ryan, Cristy, Mark and Joe

Apple-tinis (apple martinis) and cosmos ROCK. (Right, Mary? hehe.)

Good morning, sunshine!
It's a bright fine day.
Hope you find more than one reason to smile today.

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