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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

uber humiliating moment 

Since it was Mama Mary’s birthday last September 8th, I decided to dress up in a sweet manner for mass.

Hence, I sported a baby pink winter top and dark blue cords to school that Thursday. Yes. I know, I know. Despite the heat enveloping the whole Loyola hill (we stand on a hill between the earth and sky, remember?), I still went for the whole cashmere “it’s-so-darn-chilly-in-here” look, like I was making everyone believe winter really existed in the Philippines, man. I tell you, I was dressed in that winter ensemble as if people from Katipunan have never heard of the words “heat” and “sweat” ever. But atleast I didn’t appear like I was expecting to walk on snow as I was togged up in my wedge slippers, which, in my honest opinion, aren’t really meant for walking. In point of fact, I had already planned on wearing my dancing stilettos that day just because I felt like sporting them and not for the bootie-shakin reason. Unfortunately, those stilets were nowhere to be found that morning so I just settled for the wedges.

By noon, I was surprised to catch my friend, Roi, in school. I was so excited to see him, I shamelessly jumped in joy. And I should never have as it has caused my downfall. My literal downfall. After leaping in glee, I suddenly tripped and gradually landed on my knees. Boy, I was down on my knees as if I were begging my boyfriend to forgive me.

The thing is, I actually attempted to do a Miriam-Quiambao-quick-yet-poised recovery shortly after the collapse but the wedges just won’t allow me to redeem myself.

Just imagine how Tai Fraiser from the movie Clueless looked when she fell down the stairs while saying hi to Cher at the frat party.

(Tai: “Now, all night long, I'm gonna be known as that girl who fell on her butt.”)

That’s exactly how I felt. How humiliating. I desperately wanted to disappear from the face of the earth at that very moment.

You should have seen me. I looked like a crazy laughing woman wanting to cry so bad.

Then again, there were already a lot of students and drivers who witnessed my unpleasant fall as it took place by the driveway just outside the College Chapel.

Now every time I see students staring at me, I get paranoid and think: “these people absolutely saw.”

Why, oh why did I wear those wedge slippers?

Well, atleast I was dressed nicely that day.

And it has to be said that I tripped and fell in style.

That’s my only consolation.

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Post birthday greetings to:

Mama Mary (September 8th)
My brother Normann (September 7th)
My Dad (August 30th)

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