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Saturday, June 24, 2006

happy, happy 24th to me :D 

Tomorrow, I shall hit the big 2-4.
And to be honest, I am somewhat scared.

I suppose I am rather fearful because this means I only have one more year of unbridled mad exuberance.

Yes, one more year of crazy behavior that could easily be attributed to being young. And innocent. Hah (!)

You see, once you’re in your mid-twenties every bizarre thing you do would be considered an act of childishness already. It’s as if you’re obliged to really be serious and all that jazz because you are deemed old. I know it may sound unjust [to some] but that’s just how society is.

It’s ironic how I’m discussing this distressing trepidation now when I’m just about to state how, in the past year, I’ve started to learn to live in the present. I admit, there are still things – I repeat, “things” (not people) – that I hold onto, like 2000 and 2003 maybe (surprise, surprise! ha ha ha!) but I’m swiftly getting there. At least now, I can state how marvelous it feels to seize each passing moment.

As my good friend Patty would say, “you only live once…” so carpe diem!

Moreover, this past year, I’ve come to understand that people who offer you things from the heart are those who genuinely care for you. I know this has been mentioned over and over but really, they are the only people who will be there for you no matter what.

Hence, love them back.

After all, they may be the only individuals you can bother at 3am when you’re in the middle of nowhere with a flat tire. Hah.

Kidding aside, I strongly believe that it is vital to love and appreciate the people who love you. Especially those who loved you first. Odd as it may sound, some travel halfway across the world in search of this precious four-letter word.

Speaking of realizations.
My dad used to always remind me that “life is short” and it’s a shame how I never really made any sense of it until recently because this enlightenment has, in fact, constructively caused me to become less wary of taking risks. (I mean, how else will you know unless you give it a shot, right?)
Lest you forget: no guts, no glory.

Also, similar to the adage, I’ve discovered that there is absolutely nothing in this planet that does not pass in time. (So to my friends who feel downhearted at the moment - you know who you are - trust me, that feeling will go away sooner than you expect.) For this reason, try to appreciate who and what you presently have because you don’t want that to be taken away from you (and because sulking just lets you miss out on a lot of beautiful things).

Working with children has opened my eyes to the fact that life should always have an element of fun in it because life without fun is just plain existence. It sadly defeats the purpose of actually “living.”

My greatest realization, however, would have to be the unfailing power of prayer. Truly, God listens to all of our prayers 24/7 and answers them in the way that is best for us. I hate to sound boastful but I would have to say I got 99% of what I prayed for. Plus, additional wonders here and there. Thus, never underestimate the generosity of the Lord.

So now, I’m ready to seal my 23rd year with a huge sweet smile. It has been a superb chocolate-coated year topped with sugar icing, caramel syrup and strawberries. I will eternally be grateful to God for having blessed me with such a thriving year. Muchas, muchas gracias. Grazie, also, to my nearest and dearest. Lovelovelove.

De mi corazon,

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