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Thursday, April 01, 2004

officially employed 

Today, I finally jump out of the unemployed sector of society.

For some reason, I had an extremely hard time getting out of bed today. Before sleeping at around 1230am lastnight, I set my alarm to annoy the heck-out-of-me today but somehow I just wouldn’t wake up. Oh brother. I wasn't able to meet my 2pm meeting because it was already 2:05 by the time I reached the office. Oh my. I was hecka scared because that was a job interview! Why would the boss hire me if during the interview pa lang I already showed up late. Uh-oh. But guess what… the boss wasn’t there yet! Haha. Tough luck! So anyway, when he got there he asked me questions about myself, college and radio AND even viewed my LiveJournal (jahe!). Afterward, he briefed me about the company, their events and all and voila, I started working right after. Okay, so maybe I didn’t really work work but I did help out my other boss, Kata, write the concept for this project with one of their new clients. Yep, Kata is the project manager and I’m the assistant project manager. Well, for 6 months, that is (it’s just a 6-month probational stint). Although we share the same cubicle, we have two different desks and computers that are logged on to the internet 24/7! Coolness. Technically, it could be said that we also work for the radio station (which I always listen to) because that's where our office is and we take care of their events. As a matter of fact, I start working with a bang by attending this Ford event tomorrow at SLEX, which runs from 6am to 9pm (imagine, 15 hours?!). Yes, you read it right and guess what time I have to be in the office… 4am, baby. It’s a two-day thing but I was told that I could skip Saturday since I’m still observing and also because of previous engagements.
Wait, wait. If I have to be there by 4, I have to leave the house by around 3:20am. Now if I have to leave by 3:20, I have to get up by 2am. What?!?!?! What time do I sleep then? Waah.

Somehow, having a 9-5 makes me feel like a student all over again. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice because I still haven't enjoyed my vacation. Oh well.
At any rate, I should consider myself blessed. :)
Well, I better go hit the sack now. See ya!


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What if I'm not free... and single?

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