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Thursday, June 03, 2004

"it gets harder each passing night" 

I had a hard time drifting off to sleep last night… and it wasn’t because I was thinking of someone. Por favor, I’ve been too self-centered lately to actually have time to think of anyone. Hah. Maybe someone was thinking-slash-dreaming of me. Hmmmmm. You ha… whoever you are, please… stop. Heh. You know what time I woke up today considering the fact that I slept at past 3am already? 6:50am. Goodness.


I miss college. I miss my blockies, college friends and teachers (yes, the teachers/profs/instructors). I miss the College Chapel, my second home, which is one of the few places where one finds solace and isn't judged. I miss acting like a silly school girl and having KFs. I miss walking running from Bel to SOM. I miss the smell of photocopied handouts. Hay.

I miss Ateneo period.

Accordingly, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about going to graduate school and acquiring educ units. It may not be known to all that I’ve always wanted to teach children. Seemingly, my short-lived marketing career (career? hee-yeah right) has made me realize that I really ought to pursue (or even try, at the least) my dream of teaching pre-school children. Sigh.

Here’s the hitch.

I don’t think I want to go through thesis all over again. I know its upsetting that laziness got the best of me but at this point I really think once is enough. I’ve already stressed myself for an entire year trying to comprehend the Filipino Diaspora and a bunch of Feminist, Structuralist and Post-Structuralist theories. Thank you very much.

To boot.
EJ: you're meant to teach grade school brats
EJ: I can really see you as someone who'll catch their pukes during recess
EJ: bibigyan ka pa ng gifts [ng mga horny adolescents] kapag Christmas.

Can you say CATCH 22?

I really have no clue where my life is headed.

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