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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

happy Immaculate Conception day! :D 

I love hearing early mass.

Grandma Polly picked me up at 730am today to hear mass at Our Lady of Peace to celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I loved the mass there for its solemnity and wonderful song selections. Actually, it reminded me of the ones we had back at the College Chapel of the Ateneo which either started or ended my school day. Either way, though, I still enjoyed the noon masses there. I liked going with Monique and seeing the regulars. I seriously took pleasure in listening to Fr. David’s sharp sermons and his impeccable delivery of the English language. Que suave.

While we’re at the topic, allow me to tell you a lil somethin somethin that took place there.

Way back during my early college days, I went inside that Chapel and asked for a sign. I asked Him to make the next friend I see in there someone who would play an important role in my life. So the following day, I saw someone I knew praying there and upon seeing him, I quickly said to myself, NA-UH, he cannot play an important role in my life. I tell you, that guy and I honestly haven’t had any serious conversation whatsoever from the time we met. And that's strange, right? Oh my. Would you believe a few weeks after he suddenly started making contact and we’ve actually become friends? How unbelievable is that?

Impossible is, indeed, nothing.

Actually, he still doesn't play an important role in my life. Not yet.

But who knows, right?

At any rate, happy Immaculate Conception and happy Ana J. day! :D


Guys, please keep praying for our countrymen who were greatly affected by the typhoon. Reach out to them, too, if you can. It's never too late to help.

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