Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Happy New Year, Love

2004 was, in all honesty, a pretty great year for me. I graduated, earned myself a degree in English, got hired a week after graduation -- to name some of my so-called achievements. But I'm also glad the year has come to an end as it was an emotional roller coaster ride for me. It had its highs, lows and scary loops. Phew. 2004 was just full of drama... which I endured gracefully. Thank you very much. Hah.
I cannot seem to believe how strong I had become last year. Aside from those times I watched the tv program, Wish Ko Lang, I actually only cried twice. One was over a marketing-career problem (argh) and the other was over food. Haha. Seriously though, even if I reached some low points last year, I'm proud to say that I was able to rise up in the last three months. Faith kept me afloat and California, once again, rocked my entire being. Now you know how I got my groove back.
You were a great year, 2-oh-oh-4. Goodbye. Nice to know you.
But of course, let's not completely erase the previous year from our systems. I believe it's important that we still continue to offer help and prayers to the victims of tragedies and calamities that transpired last year. Always remember that prayers can move mountains and God listens all the time. Trust me.
At any rate, I just wish that 2005 would be a better year for everyone.
As for myself, I only ask for two things this new year; peace of mind and peace of heart. Which I believe are two of the most essential things in life. Oh also, this year, I intend to be more private when it comes to matters of the heart as I've always been open about it in the past few years. I've finally learned that when you put something like that out in the open, you also give other people a chance to pry into your lives and therefore subject yourselves to merciless criticism. So from now on, I shall keep the person I'm seeing from everyone else. Well, atleast his identity. Haha. That's how we want it to be.

Happy New Year, everyone!